Mathematics and Big Data
The Department of Mathematical Sciences has developed an innovative, industry-centered program to train students in data science. Our focus, which is significantly different from other Universities that also have begun data science programs, is to focus on teaching data analytics and theory for real big data problems. Our goal is to produce graduates that have faced the challenges of big data with real problems and are ready to be productive employees. We want our graduates to be productive on the first day of the job.
We offer four course aimed directly at data science.
- Practical Big Data Analytics. A methods course taught in a lab format with a very heavy emphasis on programming (90% Python, 10% R) and big data algorithms such as Map/Reduce.
- Theoretical Big Data Analytics. A theory course aimed at providing students with the knowledge and understanding necessary for innovation and creating new algorithms.
- Big Data Analytic Projects. Practical experience in solving real problems brought by technology companies.
- Numerical Methods for Computational & Data Science. This course covers the mathematical foundations of data science and machine learning.